Overcome the Expected, Stop Settling, and Embrace Who You Really Are

Unleash Your Inner Self and Connect with the True You

Are you feeling trapped by societal norms and expectations that aren’t aligned with who you are?

Are you holding pieces of yourself back, consumed by the fear of inadequacy or worried what people will think?

You’re tired of constantly managing your image and performing for others.

You’re sick of living in survival mode.

You know there’s more to life,

but unsure of how to claim it for yourself.

You know there’s more to life, but unsure of how to claim it for yourself.

You don’t want to hide who you truly are anymore.

You’re ready to take off your mask and find real satisfaction.

What would life be like if you could…

  • Forge a deep understanding of yourself

  • Define your own success, on your terms

  • Build a future that resonates with your passions and vision

  • Feel encouraged to step outside of the box and into your power

  • Be completely and unapologetically you

This reality is possible and you're invited to a change-inspiring event to get you there!

Join me for an exclusive workshop:

Rewrite Your Story and Champion BOLD Living

A Journey Towards Authenticity, Freedom, and Personal Power

This workshop is not just about knowledge. It’s about:

  • Clarity, realness, and growth

  • Giving you the tools needed to get out from under your hidden thoughts and unhealthy coping mechanisms

  • Being seen, valued, and understood

  • Thriving, both personally and professionally

Join me and other like-minded women, as we explore the disconnect that happens with ourselves, empowering you to unleash your inner self.

“Being in your workshop feels like when you go to one of your favorite restaurants and just know you will be fed well and feel nourished, whole, and happy after. And you are. Thank you for all the ways you honor your divine gifts and share them with us.”

— Mara

Here’s the thing…

Small living is rooted in fear, inadequacy, and shame, and this trio loves to hide! They keep us content in our ways of thinking and the false beliefs about ourselves intact.

In this space, there’s no peace to be found.

Because of this, we turn to numbing activities (e.g. shopping, drinking, eating, overdoing, gossiping, people pleasing) and stay uncomfortable.

It’s time to pull up the roots and expose them for what they are - thieves stealing our joy.

Imagine yourself on the other side!

Become the Lead of Your Life

Learn how to leave behind negative stories, challenge inherited beliefs, and pinpoint what’s keeping the real you from playing front and center.

Live Past Your Labels

Take a look at the labels assigned to you by others or yourself, find out what they’re holding you back from, and rid yourself of the ones that don’t apply.

Write Your Own Rulebook

Discover the rules you’ve been living by, based on societal norms and the expectations of others, and define what success means to you.

Craft a Fulfilling Future

Start your roadmap to a life that aligns with your goals and passions, bringing you purpose and fulfillment.

That's the transformative journey awaiting you at this workshop.

“Gretchen, I’m so very appreciative of your encouragement and ability to challenge me to think bigger, better, and badassier!”

— Nancy

Here’s what we’ll cover during our time together:


Secret Narratives:

The negative stories you tell yourself about who you are and what you believe, based on other people and NOT your true self, that become the lens for how you see yourself in the world and keep you stuck in complacency.



The way you identify who you are or the way others identify you, which you feel you must live up to or you can’t change.



Beliefs that were passed down to you or that you picked up by society, religious institutions, your parents, and the world, or even by your own mind.


Your Vision

Start your personalized roadmap for authentic living, one that directs you toward your dreams. It’s time for the true you to emerge!

Register Now for Only

$47 USD

August 28th from 5-6pm PT


September 14th from 9-10am PT

My Promise to You

I’m committed to making this workshop as helpful and empowering as possible for you. If you have any questions or need any support, my team and I are always here for you.

Meet Your Coach

Gretchen Hydo,

Gretchen holds the highest designation of Master Certified Coach through the International Coaching Federation, and is a keynote speaker, facilitator, and trainer. Considered by many to be one of Los Angeles’ top coaches, she specializes in guiding individuals and organizations to make high-level transformations by breaking the rules, shedding their secrets, and changing their lives. Her Secret-Breaking System™ helps people step away from their default legacy and lean into a created future. As author of the book, Break Free from Your Dirty Little Secrets: A New You in 10 Secret-Breaking Stages, she’s dedicated to helping women break free from the lies their false self whispers, about who they are and what they’ve done, and step into BOLD living.

The world is changing - so will you, too?

Now more than ever, it's time to question what doesn’t serve us and unbecome anything that isn’t really us.

Don't wait for permission. The time to step into your power is NOW.

Through spot coaching, interactive discussions, inspiring exercises, and shared experiences, you'll gain the tools and confidence to chart a course that’s uniquely yours.

Copyright 2024. Gretchen Hydo International.